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Essential Oils Verses Frangrance Oils: Is there a Difference?

One of the hardest things to do when dealing with what to add into homemade soaps are deciding what essential oils to use. Many companies on platforms such as Amazon sell "essential" oils, but in reality they are fragrance oils. Frangrance oils can be very dangerous for the skin.  Fragrance oils are problematic because they contain synthetic compounds. These compounds are known for drying out and irritating to the skin, and can cause many other potentially serious health problems. 

When choosing even an "all natural" soap make sure to check the label. Do your research on what ingredients are not only harmful, but any that could cause your skin irritation and even inflammation. 

All of the oils used in our natural soaps are essential oils, oils that were tested on different skin types and tones. We wanted to ensure that the only thing that you experience is healthy skin that is renewed and refreshed. 

Welcome to Fit-Spiration "A Wellness Company" the home of all things natural.